Friday, September 7, 2007

A Day at the Cape

Yesterday, I had a surprisingly fabulous day. A friend from Smith who is also living in Boston invited me on a day trip to Cape Cod - or as locals call it, the Cape. The Cape is the peninsula that sticks off of the state of Massachusetts. See map:

We found a tour online that took us from about half-way up the peninsula all the way to the top. Along the way we saw some extroadinary sites. Here are some pictures I took:

This is a picture of Captain Penniman's house built in the 1800s. He was a very successful whaling captain - those are whale jaw bones I'm standing in.

We also visited a cemetery where five mayflower passengers were buried. The last known burial here was in the 1700s.

And then of course we visited several beaches along the tour. The first picture is of a beach that was voted one of the five most beautiful beaches. I'm not sure who voted this, but I agree that the beach was lovely!


Ken Tennyson said...

Looks like fun, wish I could have joined you!!

Robin said...

Ah Tara - you are making me jealous! So much history there. You better watch out - you'll be working on a history degree next.