Monday, December 17, 2007

Ugly Xmas Sweaters

I was invited this weekend to attend a classmates' Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. I had no idea what a hot item Ugly Xmas Sweaters are! Saturday, a group of friends and I hit up the thrift stores in search of a knit top with reindeer, nutcrackers, bells, or whatever decoration would make our sweater tacky and unattractive. We went to my favorite thrift store, The Garment District, where they sell clothes for a buck a pound. The clothes are thrown into a large heap on the floor. In order to find what you are looking for, you have to walk on top of the huge pile, and dig. It's amazing, seriously. After digging through mounds of clothes, I finally decided to ask the clerk if he had seen any ugly Christmas sweaters come through. He proceeded to tell me that they actually SAVE all of the Christmas sweaters throughout the year, and when they finally bring them out to sell, they're gone really fast. Who knew?? In the end, we managed to borrow some sweaters from a friend of a friend, and I settled with a red turtleneck with a large button up green sweater with black leggings. It was pretty hideous, even without the tacky decorations. Here we are!


Judy said...

Hi Tara! It's your Aunt Judy! So this blogging thing is new for me, and I am having the BEST time checking our everybody's sites! Huh, who knew that you were living in Boston?! (Apparently not the McMinnville-based Ryans...Ha! Ha!) So it will be wonderful to keep up on the happenings in your life. Headed home for Christmas? We're spending New Year's with your parents in Homedale. Fun!

Andrea said...

Tara I have two words for you: Carrie Bradshaw! She would totally wear something similar with beautiful Monolo's! I love it! I am having so much fun with you in town!!

Glo said...

Hey we have ugly sweater day every year at my work. Looks like you guys found some good ones!